We've got so much inventory these days that we're literally giving the store away. Where else can you get a free inflatable without even stepping foot into the store?
I know we've promised this for months but the new mainsail list is finally online over at minneysyachtsurplus.com and there are more on the way along with spinnakers and jibs.
We're sitting on 3 tons of great quality line that we're blowing out at $3.50/lb. Stop by and pick some up... you can never have too much line. We've also got about 2,000 yards of 5/16 kevlar line that we're selling for .49/foot if you're lookin' for some hi-tech line for your hi-tech boats.
Sorry for the delay, been a busy month around the store. Anyone looking for a $2500 Pompanette Fighting chair? We've got a beauty that looks like it just came out of the box for $795. Call (949) 548-4192 or come by the store to find out more about it.