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Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I'm proud to report that since we've cleaned up our chart area, and are stocking up to date charts from San Diego to Seattle that our chart sales are increasing.  The dredging of Newport Harbor is almost completed and we have noted that our local skippers are purchasing the official NOAA chart of our lovely harbor so they can better explore our bays and channels.  Especially what we locals call the Back Bay.  That area was dredged several years ago and looking at the water depths (soundings to old salts) it's amazing how far inland you can take your boat.  Pictured is the new look of our chart room, a poster noting that we are closing out all foreign charts at a price of $7.50 each and a plotting sheet I was doing celestial navigation in the early 80's when I was delivering a 100 foot teakwood ketch that I purchased in Tahiti to Newport Beach.  If you can't read the print, it says " a five star fix doing it the old school way with a sextant usually took about 2 hours to work out and give you a position.  Today with GPS, it takes about 2 to 5 minutes."  P.S.  My brother Owen thanks you for the e-mails you are sending him through me. is the direct pipeline to him.

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